GMK >Terminal_ update and other musings.

GMK >Terminal_ update and other musings.

Posted by Brian Gutierrez on

Hey everyone. Brian here.

Terminal was a rousing success. It was exciting, involved more work than we imagined (and that was just the GB!), had moments of glee and nervousness, and ended wonderfully. We knew that we were taking a risk releasing such a large base set, but the community proved that the risk was worth it. We're so excited to have you all on board.

GMK has been amazing from the beginning - they have definitely proven to us that their quality and standards extend far beyond just their keysets. Last week, we coordinated and collected from our International proxy, and have dispatched an email to our contact at GMK and are awaiting his instruction to get everyone's hard-earned money over to to Germany and get this party started. Once we have confirmation from him, the countdown begins.

We want to elaborate to everyone a bit on the plans we are making to ensure that this GB sees completion in a timely and accurate manner. This requires a bit of expanding on who TKC is - Jason calls Michigan his home state, and I'm in Southern California. We both have day jobs at our own respective private businesses (believe me, we have already discussed how badly we want to do TKC full-time, so who knows?) and my company, an ophthalmic lens fabrication laboratory, was deemed the ideal place to process shipping. TKC's warehouse in Michigan is still being fortified, and while it may be complete before the product is received from GMK, we felt an established staffed shipping line like I have at my lab would guarantee minimized negative shipping variables. Jason will be flying in from Michigan once Terminal is stateside, and with the help of 2 TKC interns we will be banging these out to everyone before they get used to the SoCal weather!

As you may have noticed, Preorders for Terminal and the N9 Ergodox kit have opened. If you missed out on the Terminal GB, we are placing extras on order. Preorders will be limited to the predetermined amount on order in excess of the GB orders, and will be closed if that plateau is reached. As stated on the product page, GB orders to be shipped will be our #1 priority - once we are 100% fulfilled on GB participant orders, Preorder shipments will begin. We don't anticipate this to be too long after Terminal Group Buy Weekend Shipping Fest 2017, but fair warning. =)

So, what's next for TKC? Maybe a Super Secret Mechanical Keyboard. Maybe a keyset or two that tickles your fancy. The only thing we know for sure is keep an eye out soon - cool things are coming.

Thanks again all. I can't speak for Jason, but I'm relieved that I have a little bit of time freed up to start building keyboards again. You are all awesome. You made Terminal a reality and we cannot be more excited.

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