October Shipping and Product Updates

Posted by Kate Kelley on

This week we were finally able to get our container out of Customs! If you've been following the Updates page, you know that we had an issue with one of our shipments. Some of our items weren't clearly identified as "Made in China" and until all products were clearly labeled they wouldn't release our shipment. This was a misunderstanding between U.S. regulations and the manufacturer, but at the end of the day we've learned a valuable lesson and we were able to receive our goods.

This shipment is the last of three that had been caught in the national shipping delays. We have finally caught up with our overdue shipments, and we are so excited because this one had some very long awaited items. JTK Assassin, Comfy, DSA Magic Girl, Vanir, and others. The first steps are inventory, Quality Assurance checks, and sorting for shipments. So, while we are a step closer please note it does take some time to fulfill the group buys. 

If you're looking for an update on any unfulfilled product, check our updates page. We realize there were some products that weren't listed on here, so this week we not only added all unfulfilled group buys, but we've also provided the most updated information we have. Our company goal is to push updates every 2-3 weeks at a minimum, unfortunately sometimes it is just a waiting game and there aren't any updates to provide. 

Last week we released Dark Cyrillic extras, and sent out the first of our Deskmats v 2.0. (Check out the Deskmat Blog to learn of the different versions.) This week we released Monochrome Deskmats, and Blacklight Extras. Stay tuned for next week when we release Comfy extras!

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